Approval for Britannia Leisure Centre
Our proposals for a state-of-the art leisure centre next to Shoreditch Park have been approved by Hackney Council. The plans form part of a wider masterplan by Feilden Clegg Bradley Studio which includes a new secondary school and hundreds of new homes - including 81 for social rent and shared ownership.
The leisure centre replaces the existing Britannia Leisure Centre and will include a six-lane, 25m main pool; training pool; leisure water; a six-court sports hall; four squash courts; fitness suite; exercise studios; creche; and a café which will be available to park users. There are also two tennis courts and two 5-a-side football pitches located on the roof of the building.
The design proposal represents a considered approach to the horizontal layering of the required leisure facilities. Minimising the building’s overall footprint in this way has allowed for a new public square to be created on the northern edge of the site. This animated civic space between the leisure centre and proposed residential buildings acts as a welcoming new gateway into Shoreditch Park, ensuring maximum visibility of the leisure centre and park.
The external skin of the building reinforces the building’s plan. The visually dynamic pool halls, café, fitness suite, exercise studios and soft play areas are positioned on the external perimeter of the plan so that they are all highly visible from the surrounding areas, whilst the cellular changing accommodation is positioned in its heart. This strategy encourages participation in sport and creates an active building frontage to the surrounding context.
The principles of inclusivity and accessibility have played a significant role in the design strategy for the new centre. In developing the changing facilities the design team has consulted closely with Project Indigo, Hackney Council’s LGBTQ youth group and counselling service for young LGBTQ people or for people who are questioning their sexual or gender identity.
As a result the toilet and changing accommodation within the wet and dry changing areas has been designed specifically to provide choice, setting a new benchmark for inclusive changing facilities in a public facility of this type.