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Albion Square
Albion square hull proposed cgi of new park 3x2
Albion square hull residential proposed cgi of different coloured buildings 3x4

Our masterplan for Albion Square won unanimous approval from Hull’s planning committee. Our design includes 226 new homes and a large urban park, providing environmental and wellbeing benefits.

Our plan arranges four mixed-use blocks around the new park, designed to reflect the city’s history and respond to the surrounding context. Low-rise housing will harmonise with the existing Georgian terraces, and the Three Ships—the UK’s largest restored mural—will be returned to its original position.

Masterplan · Residential · Commercial
Hull, England
Client: Hull City Council
Boho Middlesbrough
Boho residential masterplan middesbrough proposed cgi visualisation of front brick facade 3x2
Masterplan · Residential
Middlesbrough, England
Client: BCEGI
Brett Wharf
Brett wharf gateshead proposed cgi of residential apartments next to river tyne and high level bridge 3x4
Brett wharf gateshead proposed cgi of residential apartment terrace overlooking high level bridge 3x2

Brett Wharf seeks to transform a traditionally industrial part of Gateshead into a thriving cultural destination. The project will provide 262 rental properties, offices, retail space, cafés and restaurants.

Neighbouring a number of heritage assets, our design seeks to integrate into the unique fabric of the area, creating vistas, visual links and dwelling spaces that have been missing for decades.

Our design respects the lower pedestrian deck of the High Level Bridge: split over two buildings, the forms rise and fall as they move away from the listed structure.

Gateshead, England
Client: The High Street Group
Broadway Corridor Housing
Broadway corridor housing vancouver canada residential tower block apartments street view 3x4
Broadway corridor housing vancouver canada residential tower block apartments cityscape 3x2
Vancouver, Canada
Client: CBRE
SRCHN Senior Living
SRCHN senior living sooke canada residential housing apartments front facade 3x4
Sooke, Canada
Client: Sooke Region Communities Health Network
The Foundry
The foundry student residences newcastle upon tyne modular construction 3x2
The foundry student residences newcastle upon tyne communal kitchen area 3x2
Residential · Education
Newcastle upon Tyne, England
Client: Trust Estates Ltd
Toronto and Parry Housing
Toronto parry housing victoria canada residential block apartments corner street view 3x2
Toronto parry housing victoria canada residential block apartments facing street view 3x4
Victoria, Canada
Client: Aryze
Wakefield Waterfront
Wakefield waterfront masterplan historic building next to new 3x4
Wakefield waterfront masterplan old and new buildings 3x2
Masterplan · Commercial · Residential
Wakefield, England
Client: Northpoint Developments Limited