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Ladbroke Grove
On an urban ‘island’, between the Grand Union Canal and the Great Western Railway, a former gasworks will become a flourishing new neighbourhood.
Mixed-use masterplan
London, England
Ballymore and Sainsbury’s
Ladbroke grove kensal london proposed cgi kensal rise under arches 10x11
Redeveloping one of the largest remaining brownfield sites in the London Borough of Kensington and Chelsea presents a unique opportunity to deliver thousands of new homes and jobs. Together with Ballymore and Sainsbury’s, we envisioned that this new neighbourhood would be an eclectic, green and enduring addition to West London. The block will be nestled among canal boats, regency terraces, a grand cemetery and the bustling highway of Ladbroke Grove itself.
Ladbroke grove kensal london proposed cgi visualisation ladbroke gardens g
Ladbroke grove kensal london proposed cgi visualisation looking down on new wharf g
Grain and groves

As you walk along Ladbroke Grove, you’ll pass framed garden squares, tree-lined streets and pavilion-like blocks in parks and on corners. Taking inspiration from these Regency and Victorian designs, the new buildings in our masterplan are arranged to reflect these patterns and create characterful streets and new groves. On industrial land that has been closed off for over 40 years, we plan to create 8.5 acres of open green spaces, including parks, play areas and a new and restored canal basin.

Ladbroke grove kensal london the avenue proposed cgi visualisation 3x2
Ladbroke grove kensal london proposed cgi visualisation canalside garden 3x4
“Our design has been built around public spaces, adding gardens and groves to the borough to create a series of smaller neighbourhoods with a rich mix of uses and a strong sense of personality and place.”
Ben Sykes
Ladbroke grove kensal london canalside axonometric diagram framed gardens
Framed gardens
The relationship between buildings, streets and gardens is one of the most impactful characteristics of the local area. As you travel along Ladbroke Grove from the south there is a marked pattern of enclosure and release as gable ends of terraces alternate with open green spaces and trees in the space fronting the road side.
Ladbroke grove kensal london canalside axonometric diagram framed gardens
The relationship between buildings, streets and gardens is one of the most impactful characteristics of the local area. As you travel along Ladbroke Grove from the south there is a marked pattern of enclosure and release as gable ends of terraces alternate with open green spaces and trees in the space fronting the road side.
Ladbroke grove kensal london canalside axonometric diagram ladbroke grove gardens
At Ladbroke Grove Garden a large pavilion block stands set back from the main road. Fronting a garden square to the east and a shared private garden to the west, the building has a strong relationship with its surrounding landscape and creates an important break in the pattern of buildings against the main road.
Ladbroke grove kensal london canalside axonometric diagram portland road corner
On the corner of Portland Road a curved three storey building forms the junction between two streets. The building is an eccentric feature of the street scape and acts as an important human scale marker building with the local area.
Ladbroke grove kensal london proposed cgi visualisation the avenue g
Character areas

Wariness of new development in London has often been misunderstood as a rejection of contemporary design, but research shows that what people actually dislike is monotony. Within a vibrant setting, home to Notting Hill Carnival and Portobello Market, our master plan draws upon industrial history, landscaping quirks, the need for multi-functionality and familiar architectural styles to generate variety - or different ‘character areas’ to explore.

Our vision for 'The Avenue', the future name of the developed site - feels like a recognisable London street leading from Ladbroke Grove to the Sainsbury’s superstore, with tall trees, wide pavements, cycle lanes, bus stops and shops. Taller buildings with podium gardens are positioned closer to the railway, with wide views over London and a green terrace acting as a buffer between new homes and the railway tracks. Along the canalside fringe, the towpath will be linked to gardens between mansion blocks and to basins surrounded by cafés and restaurants.

size of the overall opportunity area
new homes, including 500 affordable homes
new jobs to be creates
sqft of high street shops, cafés and restaurants
years expected construction programme
of overall development value
Ladbroke grove kensal london canalside setting proposed cgi aerial masterplan 3x4
Ladbroke grove kensal london proposed masterplan drawing 3x2
Ladbroke grove kensal london memorial crescent proposed cgi visualisation 3x2

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