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Faulknerbrowns architects design team review 3x2
Faulknerbrowns architects reviewing models and sketches in design review 3x2
Our Process
We start by listening. We use hands-on, collaborative conversations to understand ambitions, share knowledge and explore ideas. This supports us to bring an authentic approach to every project.
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Faulknerbrowns architects studio architect working on bim model 3x2
Our clients tell us how much they value our ability to rigorously rethink briefs and building types. We draw upon our experience and technical knowledge to distil complexities and suggest new solutions.
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From early concepts to delivery on site, we balance commercial constraints with an absolute commitment to enduring design quality.
Testing and Making

We value investigation, we use study visits and thorough research to uncover the spirit of an area, to test industry trends and to take inspiration from the best examples of building design and placemaking.

We test our own designs by making tactile, physical models in our in-house model shop, enabling us to explore rapidly, prototype and share ideas with our clients.

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Climate agenda

The biggest contribution we can make to environmental sustainability is through the buildings and places we design. We challenge ourselves, our clients and collaborators to set ambitious targets for embodied and operational carbon.

Alongside developing skills in energy modelling, Passivhaus design and BREEAM advisory services, we are investing in whole-life carbon modelling and post-occupancy evaluation of our current and completed buildings.

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Our design process and our projects are led by research, technical studies and academic collaborations. We strive to understand the fundamentals of the technologies we use, and the communities and cultures we work in.