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RICS North East Project of the Year

Rics North East Awards Trophies The Word Freemans Reach Lh

The Word receives the esteemed title of Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) North East Project of the Year, one of five accolades we received at the prestigious awards evening.

The event showcases the most inspirational regional initiatives and developments in land, property, construction and the environment.

As well as receiving the Project of the Year title, The Word was triumphant in the Community Benefit, Design Through Innovation and Tourism & Leisure categories.

The Word is a library for the 21st century, celebrating the dynamic relationship between people, books, traditional media and interactive technologies, in a truly inspiring environment.

The Word South Shields Circular Building Entrance Facade At Dusk L

The judging panel had the following to say about the scheme: “The Word is an exemplar of thoughtful, elegant and functionally effective design. From the very beginning the design team have embraced community consultation and the benefts are evident. The design, specifcation and purpose have met to create a world class facility which is enjoyed by people of all ages from throughout the local community and all over the World. It is a truly exceptional blend of form, structure and function that is already proving to be a catalyst for further investment and regeneration. The Word is a gem."

Freeman’s Reach picked up the fifth prize of the evening in the Regeneration category. The £30 million office-led mixed-use development is in the heart of Durham city centre, creating a key gateway to the Durham Cathedral UNESCO World Heritage Site and a new arrival point for visitors to the city.

Praising the quality of all of the winning schemes, Mr Serfontein said: “These exemplary schemes are already having a positive impact on their local communities and are actively helping to ensure the North East is one of the most vibrant region’s to live, work and visit.”

Freeman's Reach, a key gateway to the Durham Cathedral UNESCO World Heritage Site

Steve McIntyre, Partner at FaulknerBrowns, commented on this flurry of awards saying: “It has been incredible to witness first-hand the positive effects these two buildings are having on the people that use them and the communities they serve. It’s truly amazing for example, that over 200,000 people have visited The Word in the five months since it opened. Receiving this recognition from the RICS really is the icing on the cake, and great reward for both project teams, having worked tirelessly to make these buildings an outstanding success.”

Both The Word and Freeman’s Reach will now go on to compete at the RICS Awards Grand Final on the 2nd November in London, for the chance to be crowned the National Project of the Year.