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Jesmond Library
This Grade II listed library was FaulknerBrowns’ first commission, and earned the firm a reputation for innovative library design.
Public library
Newcastle upon Tyne, England
Newcastle City Council
18,000 books
Jesmond library newcastle upon tyne book shelves arranged in a circle colour 10x11
Briefed by the city of Nottingham in 1960, FaulknerBrowns sought to reimagine the modern library. The space is open, inviting visitors to wile away hours browsing this ‘supermarket for books’. Harry Faulkner-Brown’s modernist, drum shaped design was the antidote to daunting Victorian models and remains an important part of Jesmond’s community 60 years later.
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Jesmond library newcastle upon tyne historic photo of bookshelves g
Form following function

With 18,000 books to be housed on a small but prominent site, the redesign needed to address size constraints in a thoughtful way. Simply wrapping the external walls with shelves would not have provided enough storage, but FaulknerBrowns’ solution, the saw-tooth facade, allowed bookshelves to be placed at an angle around the perimeter, maximising space and adding visual dimension. The glazing in between shelves maximises natural light, helping to make the space airy and welcoming.

Jesmond library newcastle upon tyne historic ground floor plan
“The combination of this wall form…and natural lighting…is not merely an ingenuity; it makes the nature and functioning of the building perfectly clear in a manner that is rare in library-building.”
Architectural Review, 1964
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FaulknerBrowns’ Ten Commandments

Acclaim for FaulknerBrowns’ reimagining of Jesmond Library led to many more community and university commissions. The firm’s ingenuity became a blueprint for rethinking academic spaces with the people that use them front of mind. With that, Harry Faulkner Brown created the Ten Commandments of library design:

Constant in environment

These pioneering principles became a framework for library design globally, and continue to inspire our development of the typology.

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Library of the future - Q&A with Architectural Review
What can designers of a new European Library of Information and Culture in Milan learn from Sunderland's Culture House?
Jesmond library newcastle upon tyne model on display at exhibition 16x9

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