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Culture House
Culture House is a modern library, envisaged to provide a welcoming, inspiring space for the people of Sunderland to read, write and create. Locals’ creations are displayed throughout the building, inspiring and educating visitors.
Cultural hub for Sunderland city centre
Sunderland, England
Sunderland City Council
Culture house sunderland proposed cgi visualisation of new public square in front of building 10x11
The space is engaging and modern, moving the needle on what is expected of a traditional library. Visitors can try coding, make music or use the podcast studios in the media labs, or read and learn in quiet spaces throughout the building.
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Showcasing talent

Culture House is a space for people to create and share their creations. Across four levels, you’ll find libraries for children, young people and adults, as well as research and meeting spaces to exchange ideas and foster creation. Visitors can explore the galleries, performance spaces and exhibitions throughout the building, which will be an ever-changing showcase of Sunderland’s talent.

Culture house sunderland flexible spaces axonometric diagrams 1
Culture house sunderland flexible spaces axonometric diagrams 2
A 21st-century library

Culture House was designed with input from the local community in a two-way education process. This included hosting a competition for school students, challenging them to design the building's interior using Minecraft, and a public consultation at the Bridges Shopping Centre, which engaged residents through activities and workshops to gather their ideas for Culture House. As a result, the final project reflects the changing needs of a modern city. 

The building was designed to be environmentally responsible and efficient, with design features including concrete bricks that help to regulate the internal temperature, net-zero carpets and carbon testing to monitor emissions.

“The Culture House will be a library, but unlike any we have seen in the city. It will be an engaging, interactive, playful environment, where people of all ages will feel inspired and enthused and can learn in fun new ways.”
Graeme Miller
Sunderland City Council
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Culture house sunderland proposed cgi visualisation of active public realm g
Sculptural form

Sunderland is striving to diversify its post-retail city economy. Culture House is an important part of this transformation, designed to increase social and economic value.

To create a recognisable form that is in harmony with the high street, we carved the overall shape of Culture House into smaller, less imposing blocks. Brick, masonry and clay material details reflect the rich palette of neighbouring buildings, including the Grade II-listed Magistrates Court.

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The palette of clay roof tiles, bag-washed brickwork and light timber finishes was chosen to create a palpable connection to the local material context. Natural textures and neutral tones appear in congruence with the prolific sandstone in Sunderland.
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The palette of clay roof tiles, bag-washed brickwork and light timber finishes was chosen to create a palpable connection to the local material context. The natural textures and neutral tones harmonise with the abundance of sandstone in Sunderland.
Culture house sunderland physical sectional model front 3x4
We built this sectional model to develop the building envelope, material palette and structure, and test junctions and details to ensure that the seemingly simple, carved form would be buildable.
Culture house sunderland physical sectional model rear 3x4
The model also shows the punched openings and tower forms designed to give Culture House an identifiable silhouette in the city centre.
Culture house sunderland proposed cgi of public realm and sculpture in front of building 3x2

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